Today is the third anniversary of my yoga practice. I have to say that I am as committed and excited by the prospect of doing yoga as I was fifteen minutes into my first class. This is probably not a big deal to anyone but me, but it is pretty much the first thing in my life that I have been as consistently focused and intentional on. I also feel like a complete beginner most of the time and sometimes I feel as though I will never be able to master some of it, but nevertheless, I am always excited to get up and go to class. I have also come to appreciate my own physicality in ways that were lost on me for most of my life. Having been one of those people whose body-perception has presented more challenges than anything else, it has come as a surprise to find strengths and abilities that I was completely ignorant of. I have learned to breath, and pay attention to my breath--anyway, enough of the cheer-leading, I am grateful for the gift that yoga has been to my life.
I have a vivid memory of standing next to your car at a gas station in LA the moment you dropped upon me the fact of yoga in your life. You expressed your sentiment similarly, and while I have yet to become a consistent practitioner myself, I knew I'd feel the pull from that moment on. No going back. Thank you.
Posted by: David Dark | 05 May 2009 at 11:51 PM
Three years of practicing yoga is not that easy to achieve. I started just recently and I had experienced post yoga pain around my body. My friends said that I have to make sure that my muscles are being stretched before starting yoga.
Posted by: Jennifer Roberts | 21 August 2012 at 03:13 PM