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21 August 2014


Thomas Clark

Great post Barry. A topic near and dear to my heart and stomach. I agree that the food culture trend is a response to the fast, micro-wave culture that was guised as a way to assist women getting more into the workplace in the 50s and 60s by the food manufacturers, but really was a way to put more product into the stores and utilize the cheap preservatives that allow them to be in the store longer with less waste. I love that more of my friends and our kids are starting to cook more because of the community you speak of. I would also add the renewal of an art form. To me, cooking is the same as mixing paints and using different mediums to create something wonderful to partake in. Add the paring of wine and crafted beers to the repast and...I am now salivating. I agree that it can become a form of porn, however I would counter that while sexual porn takes something that is, at its best, intimate, sacred and beautiful and turns it into something voyeuristic and objectified for all to see–– food "porn" takes something that had become too intimate, where only chefs were doing it and turned into a food orgy where we all have access and everyone can get involved! (cooking shows, classes, open kitchens, etc.)...Wow, I guess it really is porn.

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