A brief post. After many hours of not-too-uncomfortable travel I made it to my destination. India is a seething mass of humanity, it can be overwhelming but there is a beauty. The traffic is insane the rule seems to be no rule and why have two role on a scooter when you can have four? In Udaipur you are not only contending with other drivers as potential mass accident victims but the prerequisite cows and packs of dogs and free-roaming wild donkeys!!!
The hotel is insane, pictures when I can get back and upload. Off to explore.
Posted at 03:02 AM in Travel | Permalink | Comments (0)
In spite of the surreal colours and the somewhat animated feel of the above image, it is actually an untreated photograph. It's from National Geographic Photo of the Day and was taken in Namibia.
Posted at 03:26 AM in culture, Travel | Permalink | Comments (1)
I have always loved Holland. I lived there for a while when i was younger and the love of the place has never left me. I lived in Delft, a beautiful little southern city and immersed myself in all things Dutch. Amsterdam's Schiphol airport has launched the world's first airport library and it is served by the country's first iPads--always innovative when it comes to culture and the arts, the dutch strike again with an innovation that might point to ways in which institutions like the ones I teach at might transform their learning environments. Nothing big to say , just thought I'd post that so that if you ever find yourself transiting through that airport you could take the time to check out a library of the present. (I can't remember where I came acros this piece of information so apologies to those who first posted this tidbit.)
On another note, apologies for the slow posting lately. I am processing a lot of things and decided to do it in my head before I put it out there in the ether--will hopefully get back to some more regular posting soon, peace.
Am on my way to London. A very brief stopover as I make my way to Orvieto to teach a class for a couple of weeks, The Medieval City and the Digital World--should be fun. I think there will be internet but who knows, so sporadic posts I imagine for the next couple of weeks, Caio!!
Posted at 02:18 AM in culture, teaching, Travel | Permalink | Comments (0)
I am off to London, well, mostly Manchester and Coventry, but will spend any and all extra time in the big city. Haven't been home in almost two years, way too long, so I am excited to get back. Will be spending a week with a bunch of Dmin students from here. I don't know what the blogging will be like but will make an effort. Back in a week or so.
Posted at 04:35 AM in Travel | Permalink | Comments (2)
I woke up to snow-covered ground on Saturday morning, not a usual state of affairs for me given that LA is my home. I was in Providence for an Episcopal Diocesan convocation--i.e. a get together of clergy types to talk about stuff. I talked a bit about myths surrounding our shaping stories that set unnecessary limits on our futures--from things as simple as "well, it's always been this way," to other more complex social and cultural dynamics that come into play whenever we seek to understand our contexts. It was generally well received I think--some people weren't tracking as closely as others, but that's the way it goes. The Diocese of Rhode Island is tiny, sixty churches--but sixty churches in a state 60 miles long and 35 miles wide! So--too many buildings and not enough people--coming to terms with realities like this are de rigeur for any group attempting to remain viable in some form or another. I did challenge more than one person that their understanding of 'church' was principally from a bricks and mortar perspective, and as long as that is the principle view, there is little hope of getting anywhere,
because sometimes, as hard as it is, given the emotional and social attachments given to spaces, you have to let them go and find others ways of connecting. I met a few lovely people who made my short time there more than comfortable. Providence is quite beautiful, made for walking around, great architecture, and lots of old stuff!
Posted at 06:56 PM in Travel | Permalink | Comments (0)